Saturday, June 15, 2024

AI Song

I was watching some variety show earlier today.
In the show, they were creating music and songs using AI.

Kinda interesting.

So, backside itchy, went to google and wanted to try.

Then after a few searches etc, went on to create an account blahblahblah, and voila, created a song on the platform.

I only put these words to let it create:
"song expressing love for my wife Karinna"

Then it generated ... music and the lyrics!
2 songs were created.

Thus, must listen to the songs lah.

Wah! I can only say amazing!

Do you like it? :P

Tuesday, February 7, 2023


我洗衣服忘了放洗衣粉      好笑

我上楼下楼来回无数次      好累
我看着冰箱食物无从下手  好饿
我带着小狗出去溜达溜达  好晒
我看着地板向我挥挥手      好懒
我想到有衣服要烫  头就    好痛

想着想着只好继续努力       好叻

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Happy Retirement

The day has come. Can’t remember how long exactly she’s been with us, but the day has come.
It is time for Wajem to return home, after years of working as our domestic worker.
Probably around 22 or 23 years of service with us.

Due to her becoming 60 soon, the normal regulation would be that MOM will not allow renewal of her work permit.
This was shown in the last work permit renewal. Instead of the usual 2-year permit, the previous renewal shows that it will expire on her 60th birthday.

Anyway, it is time for her go back, retire, and enjoy her life back at home.

I told her my nephew Benjamin wants to give her a dinner treat at his home on 3 Feb, which was last Friday.
What she didn’t know is that my family was arranging a surprise for her. 
Her 60th Birthday cum Retirement surprise.

My sister arranged some food delivery for dinner. Ben’s home was decorated with some stuff. We prepared a big family picture for her to keep as remembrance as well. A cake was pre-ordered for the evening too.

That late afternoon itself, Karinna and I went to collect the cake at Parkway Parade. Together with the framed-up picture, we drove to Tampines and put at Ben’s home. Then we went back home to pick Wajem and Zyan so that she won’t get to see the cake.

There was quite some traffic jam that day. 

As we came back to Tampines, we made her to be the first person to enter Ben’s home.
Voila! My siblings, nieces and nephews were there clapping and wishing her well for her coming birthday.
Then one by one, those who want to bestow her with gifts and such, took their turn to present their gifts and took pictures.
Much like award ceremonies like that. Main character is her, the rest were just supporting actors and actresses for the event. LOL

Could see that she was indeed very happy that evening.

Fast forward to today.

Yep, this is the day. 
She was already all prepared in the early morning. Her luggage was ready, hand-carry was packed. 
All the document was given to her prior to today, the special pass required, her passport etc.
She then walked Penny one last time in the morning.
I guess the dog would also know that there would be 1 less person in the house from today. A lot of packing was done for the past weeks actually. :P
In total, she had sent back home 8 big boxes of items before today!

Went to airport. Few others went as well. 
Small little problem when check-in. I wrote her name wrongly as compared to passport! 
Malay ladies usually have “Binti” as part of their names. I spelt as “Binte”. 
Luckily, they can just do some manual correction. 
Any issue with automated gantries at the immigration, she was advised to do the manual process with the officer available at the immigration counter.
Her luggage was also right to the tee at 30kg. No more, no less. Perfect!

Had some coffee and breakfast at the Kopitiam there. 
Then it was time for her to go to the custom.
With some heartfelt thanks from everyone, she left for her journey back home.

Wajem, thank you for the services provided for past 20 over years.
You have indeed served my family well.
Terima kasih.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Korea Day9

24 Oct, Day 9

This is technically the last day for us in Seoul. 
Originally, if came with Asiana Airlines, this would be the day to go home. But we extended 1 day. :P

Nothing specifically planned, but we would bring Zyan back to the Maple Tree House for the BBQ again. This time, we will do lunch. He wanted to eat again.
There are also some sets for lunch that we can try. Cannot do without the beef also. Last day, just eat!

We had the bulgogi set and beef and pork.
Anyway, it was a good lunch. Very shiok.

Before leaving Itaewon, we went to McDonald near there, as the milkshake Zyan had the other was good. Karinna wanted to try also.
However, there’s only chocolate flavour shake there. Still bought it for Zyan, and had coffee. 

Karinna wanted to go to Seoul Centre to venture the Lotte shops there.
Figured out we could take a bus from where we were. So exciting!
We took a bus and got to Seoul Centre there. Cool.
On Seoul Bus

Had wanted to go look for food court for coffee while waiting for Karinna. But then, not the kind of food court I expected. In the end, went to Starbucks, had a chocolate drink and cake to share between Zyan and me.
Guess who took the bulk of it. No prize for guessing right!

Then Karinna called. She needed help to carry the stuff. 
Not extravagantly a lot, but she can’t carry all by herself.
Went to help her with it. Then we made our way back to the hotel and rest.

Rested in the room till dinner time, then we go get our food.
Zyan wanted to eat McDonald, so we went to the one at Myeongdong. There’s vanilla milkshake there, ideal for Zyan and Karinna.
I think Karinna and I shared a meal. Burger wasn’t nice. Shake was. LOL.

On our way back, I went to buy a small set of fried chicken. Go back watch TV and eat fried chicken. Nice right?

On the last night, after all the meals and such, time to get all the packing ready. 
It’s time to go back home, and it’s a long flight.
Seoul to KL then to Singapore.
Flight from Seoul is 11am, and expected to reach Singapore around 10+ pm.
11 hours including transit time in KL. LOL

Korea Day8

23 Oct, Day 8

This day was a booked tour day.
Booked a tour to go Nami Island, Petite France & The Garden of Morning Calm.
There’s a bus that will bring us to the destinations. The walking that we would do, would be just at those places, so our legs would be saved? 😊

We had to be at Myeongdong Station Exit 2 to meet up with the guide. He had messaged me via Whatsapp the previous day as reminder etc.
Don’t know where exactly is Exit 2, so we took the Subway to Myeongdong, although walkable, and use the signage in the station to go to Exit 2.
I booked it from Klook as well.

We were early, and there were people there already and the guides were there as well.
Once the people were more or less there, the guide gathered us and guided us to our bus.
The route would be to Petite France, then Nami Island, then The Garden of Morning Calm.

It took about an hour+ to reach Petite France. We had about 1.5 hours there. More than enough.
I remember the guide said it was built by a rich man, who got fascinated with France, and bought lots of items related to France and set up this place. Then made it available to public after that.
Then, I wasn’t paying good attention, so… :P

I saw this place from Running Man show as well as The Zone: Survival Mission.
Some of the things there are quite eerie if you are along in the place. Some dolls looked, well, not the kind I would like to see.
Taking pictures outside would be simpler. Nice weather, a bit cold though.



Enough pictures, then the bus took us to Nami Island, Ferry terminal to get over to the Island.
The guide also shared that lunch can be done at the Island itself, or at a dakgalbi (spicy grilled chicken) restaurant just at the Ferry terminal area. The guides would help both sets of visitors whichever option they choose.
Lunch first or take ferry to Nami Island first.

We chose lunch first and did the dakgalbi.
They had stir-fry and BBQ version. We chose BBQ. They had a fried rice option, but that comes with stir-fry version, which we didn’t know before that.
Anyway, doesn’t matter. I am sure we ordered enough to fill our tummies. 

The food was good! Just a little spicy, still ok for Zyan to eat.
He’s a problematic guy.

Eat until very full, then the guide helped the lunch goers to board the ferry.
The ferries depart about every 20 mins, so we needed to watch out time to be back on time for next destination.

Nami Island is nice. However, very crowded. Not sure if it is due to it being a Sunday as well.
As you get older, you tend to stay away from crowded places. LOL

Karinna’s main idea is to see the autumn red foliage leaves. It’s getting redder, but not that red yet.
Some of the trees were, I guess I would get nicer in the next few weeks.
We didn’t walk the whole island. The time we had probably would allow us to do that. 

We walked around some distance and ensuring that we had enough time to make it back to take the ferry to meet up with the guide. :P
It’s important to adhere to timing when doing a tour with a group.
Somewhere near the central part of the island, there were some activities that people can pay to try.
Zyan tried.
Young man, ok to try. Old man, old woman, don’t want to try. LOL

A video was taken for Zyan during his paid activity. 😊

Then we took a slow walk back, bought coffee, sat down a little here and there.
When we go back to the bus, we were probably 10-15 mins early. Well done!

The drive to the next destination, took a little longer. Partly due to bad traffic that day.
The Garden of Morning Calm was also originally a private place. But I didn’t hear the subsequent lines from the guide. Anyway, it’s ok. Just soaked in the beautiful garden. 

It’s a nice place for pictures. Looked like you can have a picnic here as well.
Good for paktor couples. LOL
Purple lalang!

Then it’s time to go back Seoul. The ride back to Seoul took like 2 hours. Bad traffic.
We were alighted back at Myeongdong.
His head very heavy!

Since we were there, we went back to the Myeongdong Kyoja place to have the kalguksu and mandu. Evening time is easier to get seats.
Hmmm…tasted better when we came here the first time. But it’s not too bad too for the 2nd visit.

Then went back to rest. Next day is a free day. Didn’t know what to do. LOL

Monday, November 7, 2022

Korea Day7

22 Oct, Day 7

While we were at Seoul, the episode for Running Man was showing the one where they were asked (and asking others) what is the thing that come to their mind when talk about Seoul (or subsequent place).
The hosts chose Namsan as the place that comes to their mind. When they asked the people at those places, if food is the answer, they will eat the food. If the answer is a place, they need to take a picture of something like that.
For Namsan (Seoul Tower), the food that appeared is the pork cutlet there.

So we decided to go to Seoul Tower there.
We took the Subway to Myeongdong and planned to take the Namsan Oreumi Elevator up to take the cable car ride.
Ahhhh…. Mistake. The wait for cable car takes quite some time. We were a little tight on timing, as we had booked for a Palace Secret Garden Tour at 2.30pm.
What’s more, on our way to the elevator, Zyan had stomach-ache, and wanted to sit down and wait. He did not want to go toilet.
I had to buy a coke, stir out as much effervescence as possible, to let him drink.
This was one thing I learnt when I was doing operations for medical emergency company. :P

We rested a little around ½ hour or so waiting for him to feel better before moving on.

The elevator was slow, the cable car queue took some time. Found the pork cutlet restaurant but may have to wait a bit. In the end, decided not to eat that, and chose something else for lunch.
Took our quick lunch, and some photos around the area, we made our way to Changdeokgung Palace to have the Secret Garden Tour.
The Secret Garden Tour has to be booked prior, especially for English speaking guide, according to the website. I think I had it booked during the 1st hotel stay in Seoul.

We had to do brisk-walking once we came down and exited the elevator. 
Was hoping to take a cab, but somehow, not successful. 
Even boarded a cab, due to language, I think he decided not to take us as passengers. LOL.

No choice went back to Subway and made our way to the destination station.
Speeded up our pace, Karinna was left a little slower behind.
Finally managed to reach Changdeokgung Palace about 10-15 minutes before the tour start.
BUT, I needed to get the tickets to enter Changdeokgung Palace, that was why the instructions said to be there earlier as well, and the walk to the Secret Garden, takes time. LOL.

Amazingly, managed to buy the entrance ticket to the palace. Also, exchange my vouchers to get the Secret Garden tickets.
Now, it’s the time. The time to sprint down to the Secret Garden location. 
Our legs were killing us with all the walking. 
Just moved and moved and moved.
Felt my calves getting powerful, and miraculously, the tour has just started right about the entrance area there!
The guide was explaining the to group the history and information of this Secret Garden.
We made it!?!!? Wow!
We were panting. LOL

Anyway, we moved with the group, slowly this type. It’s a 1.5 to 2 hours tour. About an hour to bring you in to the furthest part of the Secret Garden, then it was own time own targe to move around and leave as you wished.

Laugh or cry?!?!?!

Took a bit of time to take this pic without people in it

As we came out from the Secret Garden area, we roamed around the Changdeokgung Palace to see see look look. 
Walk Horse See Flower.
Our legs were actually very tired. Body too. Maybe not too bad for Zyan.

Then for dinner, we walked to this place called Mushidonna Samcheongdong, not too far from the Palace area.
Yes. Walk again!
Well, managed to find the place and order the army stew based food.
At least, Zyan would eat this type of food. 

And the fried rice is damn good. Probably should have ordered 2 portions of the fried rice. They fry it together with your leftover gravy sauce from the army stew.
Mamamia, si beh ho jiak!
There’s a lady there that can speak Chinese, if language is a problem. 😊

After dinner, we walked slowly back to the subway and made our way back.
Karinna and I were like groaning in pain back in the hotel when getting up and down from our seats. 
LOL. Quite funny.

And the clothes that were washed and dried, we left it on portable clothes rack(yes, they have 1 in the room!) to let it dry further. By next morning, should be all good! 😊


Korea Day6

21 Oct, Day 6

Another travelling day. Our flight back to Seoul is 12pm. So planned to be at the airport preferably before 10am.

As usual, wake up, took some pictures at sunrise timing again.
Once the other 2 woke up, quickly finished up the last bit of packing and ready to go.
Before going, took family picture outside this place.

Managed to drive to return the car safely. 
Shuttle bus provided to the airport terminal. Slight queue, still overall ok to check-in.
Thinking that we would reach Seoul at 1pm, might be good to have some food.

Well, a little adventurous, as the queue to get the food is long. Fast food only though.
Managed to eat the food just before boarding the plane.

Made our way back to the first hotel that we stayed in Seoul after landing in Gimpo airport.
By the time we reach the hotel, we can check in without any issue, close to 3pm.

The first thing that we did, is to put the dirty laundry to wash. 
We had did a washing prior to going to Jeju. It’s cool to have a washing machine in the hotel room. Both the 1st and this room has washing machine inside. Nice.

After the wash, which took about 1.5hrs, we turned it to dryer mode, and let it do its work.
Meanwhile, we get ready to have early dinner.
This time, Karinna’s friend recommended this place for Ginseng Chicken Soup.
It’s a famous place according to her, and would come again type.
The thing is, Ginseng Chicken is not exactly my kind of food. I can eat, for sure, but not exactly what I want if I were to choose. 
My liking is not important, the Missus’ liking is. 😊

She ordered two servings of the samgyetang. One each for me and her. Wah.
And a pancake to share.
In the end, that boy did not each much also. Not his kind of food. LOL.
He just good boy, followed us, and just played with his mobile phone. D’uh!

Well, the food is ok to me. I can come again, can no need to come again too! :P

Then we took Subway again, to Myeongdong. Karinna wanted to go to the Lotte shopping place near there to look for things to buy.
OK. Headed our way there, but in the end, the things she wanted to buy, are not found in Lotte shopping place. Hehehe. At least she was helped by know where she can get those stuff.
Then, need to look for food for Zyan. He chose to have Tacos for his dinner, but we did a take-away back to hotel. 
Bought some cakes and bread as well, and snacks.
In case we get hungry. 😊