It's a cheap cheap phone from LG. Model KP105. Nothing fanciful, except the owner. ;)
Do I really need a new phone?
Not really.
I bought it for just in case purpose.
Sigh. Sometimes, suddenly got call to ask me to go down to some client's site.
Then these places can be so troublesome that cannot bring camera phone in, and if that happens, my current usual phone Sony Ericsson K618i will not be allowed entry.
And that will mean that I will be 'immobilised' until I come out of that site.
Very the ma-huan 1.
So an extra phone (no camera!) can come in handy.
Actually, my current phone is also like going to expire soon, sometimes bo-dai-bo-ji shutdown, and make me 'immobilised' without me knowing too!
Lucky got another extra phone at home which can be used.
Yet to switch to that ... ...
But phones can be too chim for me to use.
Computer is easier ...