Sunday, May 13, 2007

Three Wishes

Since I was talking about TV shows in earlier posts, might as well add on another.

On Sundays, 10am, TV5, there's a show called "Three Wishes". Of course it's an ang moh show lah, I mean from US lah. :P

This show basically moves the TV crew from state to state, and from each location where they decide to stop-by, they will choose 3 families to grant each of them 1 wish. It can be almost anything, but of course, no body will ask to pluck the star from the sky.

Sound simple?

A lot of times, the wishes are so endearing and touching, and it is actually very heart-felt warming to watch how the crew go all their way to help make those wishes come true.
And the families who benefited from the wishes, you can really see what happiness really means all the time.

Mind you, you should always have tissues around with you if you watch it. Can almost, if not always, guarantee that you will tear each time you watch the show.

Of course, after the show, as usual, and always, I forgot about all the touching scenes, and get on with my mundane life. Probably same goes for 99% of people. :P
I think we should still watch it. Very very nice. Like me. :) *wink wink*

I wish to strike Toto, and retire, and just do the things I want to do.
That is, do nothing. Ha ha ha.

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