Saturday, March 22, 2008


Today was a little busy day.

Whole morning was running from bank to bank, to deal with some what else, money stuff.

By the time settle the stuff, it's already like 2pm?!?!?!

Think next week have to do 1 more time, but should not need to run from bank to bank already. :P

After that, went for lunch, then came back home and rest.

Then I remembered I wanted to book chalet for June holiday period.

I tried Aloha Loyang. Oh my god!
All not available already for the dates I had in mind. 20-22 June.

What kind of world is this? @#@$^%&&*&()^%$#%^&*

Then I tried checking some Aloha Changi chalets. Some still available, but I have yet to decide if I want to book there. I think it might be better to be there, but not sure if my nephews and nieces like that idea or not.
Think they more used to Aloha Loyang.

Does it really mean have to book just after midnight 3 months before, so that you can actually be among the 'firsts' to book for the chalets?

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