Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Computer Repairman

Hmmm. I am a computer repair man. :P

Everytime some computer got problem in any of my sibling's home (rather, my nephews and nieces), I am always entrusted the honour to do the repair work.
Best of all, FREE. I am such a cheapo!

Anyway, this time, this stupid Eugene don't know do what to his computer, and the internet went bonkers.
Took me a while to troubleshoot, and decided something is wrong with TCPIP protocol.

Uninstall that, and re-installing it works fine apparently, after about an hour of fiddling around the system.

I think most non-IT users simply really anyhow install software, and if hit any problem, just anyhow click here and there without reading proper.

Any free repair work needed?

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