Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Twelve Days of Meditation

Today, we started a course on meditation, at Hwa Chong Institution.

Strictly speaking, it should not be considered meditation. It is more to use some techniques to enable the use of the energy within our body to make us healthier, to put it simply.

It's called 真气运行学.
It's supposed founded by Professor 李少波教授.
Not that I know who he is or what. :D

And this course is conducted from 1930 to 2230 starting from today for consecutive 12 days!
Including Sat/Sun too!

So for these 12 days, timing is pretty tight, and by the time reach home, it's like already 11pm!

So what we learnt today?

Today, we learn to breathe.
Breathe, and concentrate on a spot area about 1 inch below your heart, and concentrate on that area when breathing out.

Supposedly to feel 'something'.

I think I am always slow to feel things, so didn't feel much, except a little stuffy around that area.
Once you felt that 'something', you are somewhere 'promoted' to next level.

Hehehe. Only Karinna gets it, the green belt.
I'm still yellow belt.

Maybe tomorrow ... ...

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