Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sheer Elegance - Life Is Too Short Girl

Long long time ago, there was only a few radio stations in Singapore.
There were mainly 1 English and 1 Chinese radio stations.

Then in late 80s, 98.7, 95.0, 93.3 and blahblahblah came along.

As the youngster then, I tuned in to 98.7 and 93.3 for the most current songs.
As years go bym I 'promoted' myself to 95.0 and 97.2 for more of the older songs.
I've stopped 95.0

Now, for the English station, I tuned to Gold FM90.5
Oldies but goodies, and the goonies are not enuff. :P

Here's a cool one.

Sheer Elegance - Life Is Too Short Girl

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