Monday, March 22, 2010

Zyan's Baby Shower

Time flies.
It's been a month since Zyan is born.

We had a small full month celebration for the little boy.
Small, because our house is pretty small. :P

Actually, Karinna came up with a long list of guests initially. Hmmmmmm. Like 120 over or so!
Felt like doing up our wedding guests list. hahaha

Too many, so she had to trim down a little on the list. Rather, quite a fair bit.
As for me, I only invited a few girlfriends along. No boyfriend! I am normal! :P

So the day started busy.
We need to send our dogs away, else they would be too barky with the stream of guests coming to our place. We put at a friend's place. So kind of her.

Then by 1145hrs, the food was setup, and the first guest appeared around 12noon.
Not bad.

Once that starts, the people keep coming in, and our house was soon packed.
Not enough sitting place for sure, and sorry to those guests that have to make-do with standing around.

As with most baby shower occasions, the little main cast was well-slept throughout, only wake up occasionally for food and attention.
Maybe he just wanted to show the guests how angelic he is.
When the guests were gone, he was back to his colicky behaviour. :D

After the last guests left, we were all pretty tired as well. I think that is normal.
So we rested a while, and after dinner, went to pick the 2 little rascal dogs back.

Well, the challenge is coming. After tonight, the confinement nanny won't be around anymore.
It is then up to the 2 blur blur parents to work. :P
More Pictures here

Sunday, March 21, 2010


十个月的等待 是值得的
挤你出来 是辛苦的
看你出现 是温馨的

你的哭声 是巨响的
不知所措 是正常的
手忙脚乱 是合理的

你的笑脸 是可爱的
春风满面 是得意的
喜笑颜开 是自豪的

你的出现 是愉悦的
再接再厉 是肯定的
唇边笑意 是幸福的