Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bus Alone

What have I done today?

I'm starting to get busier lately.
Being sold to a new company, and starting to embark on a project.
The whole thing disrupted my original schedule to transit Zyan to start taking transport home from school next year.

I've been on arrangement for past 1 year plus to do work on 'half-day' basis, allowing flexibility on my part to handle personal stuff.
In particular, more with Zyan due to some exciting adventures from him within school last year.

Anyway, things have been a lot more smoother on that aspect.
During the start of the year, we also stopped the school bus transport for him, as the bus operator said the pick-up time for him would be about 6am, if we use their service.
Crazy right? School is 1.X km away, and he has to be picked up at 6am to go to school.
Instead of making this senseless arrangement, we decided to do the transport ourselves with my 'half-day' arrangement. :P
Going to school is not a problem. Coming back from school is, as it is still within normal working hours.
The flexibility helps, for the past 1 year plus.

With this new company, although still flexible in some sense, I don't think I can exericse it with the same flexibility as I had previously.
Thus, have to hasten the process for him to take bus.

Today, left working place to go to Zyan's school and waited for him.
When he came out, I gave him a task.

I told him, he has to take bus home himself.
Gave him his student pass for transport, and passed him my other mobile phone.
Took his bag, and told him I would wait for him at the bus stop near our house.
Bade him farewell, and drove off without him.

In between traffic lights, when reaching home, and walking to the busstop, I have to message him to make sure he is ok.
Whatsapp messaging with him:

Simon: Make sure call me if got problem
Zyan: Orr
Simon: Good luck
Zyan: Just missed bus
Simon: So sad
Simon: Message me when u are on bus 13
Zyan: Orr
Simon: Is it exciting?
Zyan: I'm on the bus
Simon: Great. I will be at the bus stop
Simon: To welcome you
Simon: 欢迎欢迎 热烈欢迎!
Zyan: ?
Zyan: Still rd
Simon: cool

There I was, waiting at the busstop.
Bus 13 finally came, and off came the little hero that took bus himself for the first time without his parents.

Had wanted to take a picture of him stepping down from the bus, guess I was too slow. :P
Well done my son!

I told him, will have to do a few more times, and thereafter, he should be good to do it himself without me around.
That would be the final desired outcome! :P

Went back to work after that. LOL