Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Car Service

Went to service the car the other day. It's time for the 60,000km servicing.
It's sort of a major haul of service, and I've no more complimentary services available for my car.

In the end, signed up for the 4-service package, that cost me like $900 over bucks.
*ouch ouch*
Can you hear my heart?? :P

Then the inspector told me my tyres need to change as well.
Well, that is true. It's been 3 years, and I had wanted to change it some time back, just never really get to do so.
*ouch ouch*
There goes another $400 or so.


Nissan! Can you provide better pricing!?!?!?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Prose89 - 你的名字 我的姓氏

你的名字 我的姓氏

你的名字 我的姓氏

友华 占上风的机会多的是
利海 理所当然名副其实
德龚 叫人放心让你成事
浩孝 世界会因你而忘却烦事

你的名字 我的姓氏

哲思 深谋远虑颇有意思
亮铭 发光发亮名利皆是
峰奇 登峰造极奇才知识
景乐 前景光明欢愉时时

你的名字 我的姓氏

12 September 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Yesterday came back home, and I was told the dish washing basin area, the water cannot flow down. It 'floods' when we have running water down the basin.

Alamak! Headache!

So today called a plumber to drop by.
Supposed to come around 1pm, but never did until about close to 4pm.
Wah piang, so far off from the estimated time given, might as well don't give me a timing.

Anyway, he came, checked checked, and said.
Need to pump the drain to clear the chokage, need to change some of the existing PVC pipes, need to put more gums to hold the pipes better blahblahblah.
It will cost $290.

Do I have a choice?

So let the expert do the work, I can only stare in amazement how fast they can do the job. hehehe

WIthin half an hour or so, it's done!

Sounds like good money isn't it?

And no, I am not thinking of switching line ... :P

Friday, September 11, 2009

Oh Boy Oh Boy !!!

Yesterday morning, went to see Dr Chang again. It's the 4th visit this time.
So by simple calculation, it's roughly the 4th month. :D

Other than Karinna hasn't really gained weight yet, which is still ok for now, we didn't have much to tell the doctor about the status. Everything is normal. Norm is a good thing here.

As usual, the ultrascan. Of course, I didn't forget about my camera. :)

Today's scan was interesting. Why?
Because we get to know the gender of the baby.

Oh Boy! Oh Boy!
How exciting!!!!!
It's a boy! It's a son for us!
Wow wow wee wee wow wee wee!

Actually, to us, whether it's a boy or girl doesn't really matter. Really.
If it is a boy, I'll beat. If it is a girl, I'll also beat! :P

Again, doctor said everything is good and normal, normal and good. The progress looks perfect!
A 4-week-break visit always mean a good sign.

So next appointment is in October. By then, the doctor said will let us know the weight of the baby.
It's really amazing with how technology has advanced.

So at the end of the appointment, called up my friend Cecilia at TMC. She said they had this new package coming up, and would like to share with me.
It's sort of a package to help new parents cope with arrival of new born, and the planning can stretch from pre-conceptual even, to the usual classes for parents, products for babies and mummies, and post-delivery activities.
Even getting confinement lady for you can be an optional service provided.

Looks ok at first glance, but will need to check out more to see if we really need it.

That's all for my boy today. :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sleepy Weekend

Since back from holiday, I knew I will fall sick, as I had sort of 'groggy' feeling since then.
No fever. A bit of sore throat, and no major coughing.

Was still ok in the early part of last week.
Only last Thursday and Friday, it was a little bit worse, but still endurable.

So I went to see doctor on Saturday.
Confirmed not H1N1, or any of the flu virus.

Doctor gave me antibiotics, some painkillers for the giddiness, and cough syrup.
Boy, the cough syrup is potent.

Drink already, the eyes very hard to keep them open.
In the end, had quite a good nap on Saturday afternoon.

Likewise, Sunday morning, after taking the cough syrup, the Zzzzzzzzzzz monster came to visit me around noon.
Took an hour nap before going to Karinna's friend's place.

It's a darn huge place. Must have been a few millions. Anyway, shall not talk much for the house.
Let it be our dream ... ... ...

Again, last night, can't seem to post entry. I suspect it only happens when I am home, but occasionally, I can still do so at home.
That puzzles me. Since blogging is not an important thing, so heck it!

This morning, I didn't take the cough syrup.
Dangerous. Leave it for the night better, then I can sleep like a baby ...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Detoxing ...

I started my detox products yesterday.

I have 4 different items.
Items C/B/A/D (left to right in picture)

A/B/C is to be taken before breakfast and before dinner.
D is before lunch, and before Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

For A/B/C, the procedure is like this.
Pour C into the given container until the C-mark.
Add warm water till A-mark.
Scoop a tablespoon of A pour into the container.
Shake the container for about 4 times, and drink immediately, because it can turn into gel-like very fast.

*ptui ptui ptui*
Like eating algae like that (not that I know how algae taste like)
It's so damn awful!
Wah piang... nearly died

10 minutes later, need to take B
B is simpler, just pour water into B-mark, and then add 1 tablespoon of B, and then stir it. Drink it.

I also dunno how to describe the taste.

Detox with A/B/C is quite a torture. :P

D is much simpler. It's just 2 sachets of the thing, pour into water, and then drink. Easy.
Doesn't taste nice as well, it's not very very awful, but it doesn't taste good.

These few days, the advice is not to take meat.
I assumed fish is not classified under meat, so I still eat some fish.
Actually, I didn't restrain meat-taking, just very little of it.

How long more can I tahan with this ...