Sunday, May 7, 2017

What Phantom?

Was driving along somewhere the other day.

Zyan suddenly talked about some posters hanging along the road, and said he wants to watch 3 Phantoms.
For a moment, I didn't know what it was.
Then he pointed out the poster to me.

I only know some of the songs, only roughly know the story, and only know there is certain performance coming to Singapore.

It was never in my to-do-list to do anything about Phantom Of The Opera.

To make sure he knows what is it about, I showed him some youtube videos of the 3 Phantoms.
It's simply musical, not sure if he can sit still for the show.

And he said yes he is ok with it!
Ok. So now the father has to watch this musical with him.

Proceeded to book the ticket at 3 Phantoms, and of course, I will choose the cheaper tickets lah.
Almost the last row. Hahaha.

So now I have a date with my son next Saturday.
Looking forward to Music of the Night.