Saturday, July 5, 2014

Family Day

Yesterday was 04 July.
Nah. I don't celebrate US' Independence Day.

It's Family Day for Zyan's child care centre.

It's supposed to be some costume theme, but we didn't prepare anything to go with the theme.
We shameless just wear similar T-shirts.
I Love Bangkok t-shirts.

Mother and son posing for cheap-thrill shot on the way to school.

There were about '28 contestants'. Each family is supposed to do catwalk down the church aisle, and then present themselves to ask for votes.

There were quite a few families who made extra effort into this. Impressive indeed.

For us, we just ran down the aisle, and just introduce our number, since we don't expect to get any vote. LOL

In the end, the 2 groups in the picture above were the top 2 teams.
The Tinkerbell group, and the Breakfast group.

I think the effort from the Tinkerbell group is outstanding. I like this group most.
However, the winner is the Breakfast group. Simple yet innovative. Cool.

At the end of the costume competition, it's food time. The adults had nasi lemak, while the children have rice with small hot dog and chicken nuggets and some ikan bilis.
And then it's touring time, visiting the artwork done by the kids in the child care centre.

Above is Zyan's product. Just one of the many in there. Nice little colourful fish.

And there, cool star fish by 郑智元.

Then it's play game time again.
They had 2 games, form into 5 different groups amongst the families..

1 game is to use non-living objects and form straight line. Whichever team formed the longest line win.
Our team didn't win. this.

Second game is getting a list of objects within the group.
They ask for 5 $10 notes, 2 $50 notes, 9 mobile phones, 7 watches, 6 pens, 3 belts blahblahblah.
It was fun. Of course the adults played this more so than the kids.
It's not easy to get some of the items as no one is prepared for it.
Kinda interesting. :P
And for this, our group came out as winner!

No family went home empty handed.

I think the kids are the happiest. With prizes and just games to play. No school! :P
I am sure next year will have another Family Day which they will enjoy.

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