Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Gathering

It's been almost a month since the "project" kicked off by Siew Mei to gather the friends from Temasek Seconday 4/2 class 0f 1986.

As it turned out, I think about 35 of the people were found. Probably about 80%.
Quite amazing right?

During the course of searching, some people were really found miraculously!
Like Rizal, somehow bumped into Kian Lam, and then got added into the chat group with the avalanche of messages pouring onto him.
Jacelyn, searched high and low, and even wondering how to spell her name correctly. Again, the master sleuth Mr Koh Kian Lam, dug high and low and found one that appears to be. Anyway, just send email and ask lah. Bingo!
Looking for food at hawker centre, Ai Ling said she saw some familiar face and asked her if she is Chiew Eng. So funny.
And there, another lost soul found.

And the messages, while may be fun to read, can be irritating if never set mute on the group.
The first 2-3 weeks were crazy. The guys were talking about anything. ANYTHING.
From banterings to words of wisdom, to pills and movies, children and schools. Whatever.

Some cannot take it, due to whatsapp fatigue, left the group. :P
Not many though.

Now, the messages are not flying around fast and furious, only for occasional highs. Most of them are still in the group to experience some Cloud9 situations. LOL. And sometimes, knives.

So the countdown has started.
4 more days to go.
Date: 29 Jan 2014.
Place: Wawawa
Time: They know themselves.

Many thanks for Derek and Cheng San for working on the logistic coordination to make it happen.
Ultimate thanks for Siew Mei, the champion of the gathering.

See you guys!

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