Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Vaccinated Baby

He was born 4.220kg. Today, he is 8.040kg.

It's 3 months for Zyan now. At 3 months, he has to undergo another set of vaccinations.
This time, he needs to take so many of it, that I don't know what are those also.
My capable wife will just know about it.

We made an appointment at 1030am. However, only managed to see the doctor only near 11am.
Sometimes, you wonder what is the point of making appointments.
But half an hour, I am still ok with it. Afterall, clinic for children will tend to be a little more crowded, and patience needs to be practised with the little kiddies.

So what did Zyan have today?
A fluid vaccination, and 2 jabs!

Anything to be eaten, it's not a problem for him. He's on the 97th percentile in terms of weight/height blahblahblah.
Then comes the jabs.

First jab goes to his right thigh. Once the needle pokes through, the sound of music from Zyan Musical Factory starts playing.
Very swiftly, the doctor switch to his left thigh, and insert the needle for his second jab.
More music for our ears ... ...

Good thing is, the music lasted not very long. Not so bad.

I guess he was very tired at that time also, was about his sleeping time.
Good timing perhaps!

After that, sent them home. Doctor says he might have fever today due to the jabs, so need to monitor etc.
Oh well, life goes on.

Then off I went for work.
When I got home, the little rascal is very energetic.
I was tired, and he perked me up, and I felt fresher after playing with him.

That's the picture taken of him just before dinner today.
The 8.04kg baby.

Hope his fever won't appear.
Next vaccination is 1 month away.
Music, music, music.

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