Sunday, May 3, 2020

First Ukulele

Quite a few years ago, I was telling Karinna that I wanted to learn ukulele.
Because guitar is a bit big, and I am lazy to bring bigger item around. Bigger item means bigger storage space as well.

With the circuit break on-going, my backside itchy went to buy 1 ukulele to try.
Actually ordered about 2 weeks ago, and it was delivered quite promptly.

After unpacking, it was put aside for 1 week. LOL.

Today, I made an attempt to play it. With the help of youtube videos. :P

Get to learn how to tune it with the tuner that I bought along with it.
I think the tuner is good, can be used for Zyan's violin as well. :)

Zyan, being the kaypoh one, insisted on using the tuner to tune the ukulele for me.
Afterall, he is the only one at home that has some form of instrumental training.
Just trying to show his professional musical skills to me. Oh well!
Thank you though.

At least now I know the 4 strings are the tunes for "g C E A". Bravo!
And the video tutorial of course has to be easy to learn.  I think generally the videos in there are quite ok for basic learners.
Strumming seems to be the basics.

Learning how to use the fingers to get C chord, F chord, and G chord.
C is pretty much easy, but my fat and stiff fingers have challengers for F and G chords.
Press until feeling pain on the tip of my fingers used, especially the fourth finger.

The song learned in the video is "You Are My Sunshine".
Sun a bit hard to shine with the bruised fingers... lol

At the end, also introduced another 5 videos
This is the video.

Anyway, will see how it goes with more practices....

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