Friday, May 22, 2020

Hair Cut

The last hair cut I did was probably in March, around the school holiday period I guess.
It's been a while.

With Covid-19 and its various circuit breaker measures, salons are only recently re-open for hair cut.
Last week actually.
Didn't go last week, as it was expected to be quite crowded, and it actually happened to be long queues for some places as reported in the newspaper.

Anyway, waited until this week to go.

Brought Zyan along, as we are buddies when going to hair cut. :P
We do it in Marine Parade.

Went around 3pm. Ohhh! The shop closed!
We usually cut at this place called Snip Avenue, which is relatively cheap. $3.80 per cut with pre-paid member card, and they give 2 free haircuts. 12 hair cut for $38. Pretty good deal.
But it's closed! Due to Covid situation, they shifted to Bedok Reservoir.

Too lazy to go, thought of going back home.
Then, saw opposite row of shop has a hair salon. $6 per cut. OK, why not?

Do the required SafeEntry and temperature check, and off we go, hair cut with mask on.

Weird to wear mask to have hair cut, but situation requires it, so just live with this little inconvenience.
Thus, bring my 三千烦恼丝 to become 两千?

The shop also has pre-paid membership card price. $30 for 10 cuts! Nice!
However, didn't sign that up for now. Need to check out on using up the previous ones first. :)

Feels good after the hair cut.
Looks neater now.

Hopefully, when going for next hair cut, the situation is back to a lot more normal than new normal.


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