Monday, May 11, 2020

Mother's Day

Yesterday, it was Mother's Day, second Sunday of May.

My mom had been gone for about 5-6 years now, but there are 2 mothers at my household.
My wife and my helper.

Zyan did some kind of google app to give his mother a link to show his appreciation.
Oh well, that was all.

We ordered some food from this place last week, and arranged for delivery yesterday evening. I could only arranged a 6-7pm delivery, which was good enough. Had wanted 5-6pm delivery.

Well, the food came pretty much on time. Just after 6pm, the food arrived.
So we set it up on the table.

And for circuit breaker sake and fun, Karinna and 2 of her good friends arranged a 'zoom dinner'.
So there was special setup with laptop for mic/speaker on the table, for communication purpose.
Virtual dinner with friends, and both having real dinner. LOL.

And we had a bottle of moscato from Naked Grape. Very nice.

Then it was waiting for people to come online, and we each have our dinner at our own home, and enjoying company of friends.

The food was pretty good too. The fried rice is not bad, and the main dish crab (we chose pepper crab) is delicious too.

Quite an interesting experience.
But nothing beats meeting face-to-face for such gathering.
Till next time ... ...

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