Sunday, October 19, 2014


I've been on my little journey since 09 Sept.

Till date, I am quite happy that I had started that little mission, even though I am not following a strict detox plan to reduce my weight.
Imagine if I had done that. :)
For my own record, I lost 4kg since then.

One of the first things I started is to drink honeygar.
So what is honeygar?

It is just a simple combination of honey and apple cider vinegar with water.
Preferably, using pure raw honey and pure water.

What I do is to add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a 1.5L of pure water. Stir it well and have them mixed well together.
This is the specific ones I used.

For ACV, the more common brand is Bragg. I am told it is a little stronger, but if you can take it, I guess it is ok. Anyway, for me, I think we will stick to this particular one that I am recommended. :P

So what is the benefits of honeygar?
Some key benefits of the miracle water honeygar:
  • Promotes effective weight loss
  • Curbs appetite (add flax seeds for better effect)
  • Helps to detox body
  • Prevents heartburn
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • ... plus more ...
The raw honey that we bought is a 3kg pack. The ACV is quite a normal size, can't remember if it is 750 or 1000ml.
Anyway, it's been 6 weeks since started, and the ACV is just about to be finished, and the raw honey is only about half used.
These 2 cost me just slightly over $100 then.

If you have good water filtering system, then good. If not, a box of a dozen 1.5L pure distilled water costs about 6-8 dollars, depending on the brand you like.
For me, I need to see where is good to place the water filtering system, if I want to replace my current one. :P

Yes. I am promoting honeygar. I share what I learnt.
That's my part for sharing.

To do or not to do, that is the question.

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