Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

Ah yes. Everyone knows it's father's day today.
It has been such a hype that people are celebrating all kinds of days every now and then.
It's alright, it's at least some form of ways to keep family members closer together.

So we had some food (more like lots of food). I bought Sakae Sushi & Pelican Pizza back as my form of contribution. Feel broke after that siah. hehehe
Then still got the usual bee hoon, curry. Also had some duck meat there, satay, coleslaw, o-tah blahblahblah.

So in order to maintain my cute size, I eat. And I eat. And I still eat.
Eat until so full that we basically skip our dinner. *wink*

But today not so great for me. I've been on standby duty for support work for the past few weeks. Not that I am complaining. It's work afterall. So there is some minor problem, which my guy cannot really settle lah. Don't wanna go into too technical info. Who wants to know about VPN anyway. *bleah*
Anyway, should be more or less resolved now, guess have to see if tomorrow the problem still exists. At least, it was working fine for me already.

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