Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Issues and Demo

Yesterday was slightly busy. Was at customer's site working on the BW project.
Somehow, I feel the solution is not very elegant, but have already stepped onto it, and probably not so easy to switch to another solution in a short time.

And to top it all, now I think I will have some issues regarding getting some form of classifications within the data. As usual, I won't go deeper into it, as it doesn't make sense to most people, including me. :D

Well, today went back office, as the customer didn't want me to stay too many days at their site. Chargeable. So to reduce cost, they wanted a bit of logical stop to it, and then to recall me back when they are ready as well.
Basically, they have to work on the system too, else they will have a hard time in future to support it.

Anyway, was back in office trying to figure out some of the other issues faced for the project. Not very good result after the search. So now I have to think of some other alternative to resolve the issues.
Sigh. 真的是。。。伤脑筋噢!

And tomorrow, will be heading to another site to test demo system, prior to actual demo presentation to another customer.

Work can be so fun. NOT.

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