Sunday, January 20, 2008


Today my niece Pauline asked me some Maths questions. It's on remainder and factor theorem.
Wah. Sound so distant away. Forgot almost all parts of it, need to revise a little before I am able to start trying to solve the problem. :P

Mathematics at that level (Secondary 3) is still pretty ok to digest, so still managed to resolve. Alright!

Then she asked me about this. What does "书中自有颜如玉, 书中自有黄金屋" mean?
I know what that is, but can't explain well enough. Basically means study hard for the future lah. hehehe

Anyway, wikipedia has something. Here it is:

Think the explanation from wikipedia is short and sweet, but to the point.
Beauty of Chinese language.

Pauline! Go read, and study hard!
Hmmm. Actually, that goes the same for Deon/Benjamin/Brenda/Eugene/Chrystal/Melvin/Cedric. :P
Casper and Matthew will have to wait.

Precious and Sapphire, have no hope ... hahaha

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