Monday, February 25, 2008

Blue People

Today, while on the way back home, as usual, was listening to Love97.2 Radio Station. They have this segment called "真的吗?", where they will tell the listeners of some 'incredible news', and let listeners decide if what they said is true or false.

Today, they talked about whether listeners believe that there is a tribe of blue skin people living in the world. Of course, before they ask for you to believe, they will weave out some tales (if not true), or reports (if true) for you to decide for yourself the truth in their words.

So the gist of the report is such that there is this tribe of people living in a reclusive area in Kentucky, USA, and the people have blue skin!

Sounds unbelievable.

But it is TRUE! Smurfs are alive! Nah, just kidding. Smurf is still a myth.
Blue skin people, or more known as the Blue Fugates, are very much true!

The Blue People of Kentucky
The Blue People of Troublesome Creek

But the fact is that, no more blue skin people currently in the world, unless he/she has some disorder somewhere.

So much for extra info for the day!

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