Sunday, May 4, 2008


This morning, somehow I was not feeling well. My nose was running so far ahead of me, that water keeps dripping downwards.

I was working to get my new laptop in a ready mode. Can't complete until I get some proper software in company to make it more complete.

So after my lunch, I popped an anti-histamin and went to rest in bed. In between, I was interrupted with calls from a consultant from one of my projects.
Was sleepy but still need to entertain the calls. :P

Around 5pm, my brother-in-law came over to take away my CRT TV, to be placed at my brother's home for my mother. Then shortly, we went over to wait for other people to arrive.

As usual, mostly junk food. Tried to eat not too much. At least I didn't eat any fried chicken! ;)

It's for my father's birthday, which is supposedly tomorrow under the Lunar's calendar. Damn irritating, as in originally asked, he said no, he had appointment on Sunday and Monday. Then yesterday said will need to go back and celebrate. Then this afternoon my mom called me to say my dad said don't want to celebrate, and wanted me to tell my dad to continue as what was planned.
Sound confusing right. Just as confusing as when I was told. Anyway, have to get used to it. I guess more complains will come to my ear often in the next few weeks/months to come. heh heh heh

I just take things easy.
Relak. Be Happy. Don't Worry.

Happy Birthday Papa.

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