Thursday, September 27, 2007

Old Friends

Was waiting for things to complete in between my installation process and other stuff, I was a little bored, and surfed a little of the web.

I don't surf web that often actually, except when I need to look for some things. I mean I don't surf web for fun most of the time.

Anyway, what I did today was looking for old friends. Example, I just googled "SiowKow" and it came out with a number of URLs related to that. Of course, I will always think that I am the original person using that name. Started using that since 1991 actually, at least officially in electronic world. Out of electronic world, my mother sometimes call me that since I was young .... Duh!

Tried to search for a few old chat friends. "Vader" Lee Teng Kiat. Cannot find much, although there's a link about his thesis work. "Hans" Fan Yeng Loon. Found some links of him communicating in forums or some bbs about Beatles stuff, I supposed.

Then search for some JC friends. Managed to find Choon Chew. She's still at TP! So emailed her and voila! It's her!

Also, a bit bored, then started looking for some other recent friends for news. Remember in July, I posted an entry about a friend of mine Evelyn who went to shave her hair for charity. SMSed her to see how she's getting on with her fight on that damn disease.
At least the reply from her looks good.

My Message: Hope you're getting better! Yours kids are cute! Cheers! Kah Chin
Her Reply: Hello! Thanks. I feel good. How r u?
My Reply: As long as u feel gd, I'm gd too! :)

I'm not much of a SMS-person. The message is already very long for me. Karinna can vouch on that!

Well, just hope the next time I talk/SMS/email Evelyn, she has won the battle.

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